Friday, 22 June 2012

living with Mack and Mable

The two little girls grew up in a household with not much television

but lots of music, not very modern music but music. Their parents were
 always singing, mostly from musicals, one day they would be dean martin
and Ella Fitzgerald the next dean martin and jerry

Lewis. They knew all the songs from the musicals and was most likely to be

answered with the words from a song when asking a simple question like
what’s for tea? The answer being food glorious food which that was in fact a
 matter of opinion a singer yes a cook no. The little girls were used to all this
and having soup for breakfast was the highlight of the week. Saturday afternoons
were spent dancing around the front room to singing in the rain or the Jolson story
 and week day teatimes were spent eating beans on toast while

Mack and Mable belted out movies were movies and then went into look what
 happened to Mable all through the washing up. Finishing up with I won’t bring roses
while they sat and ate green jelly for afters. A strange family you might think but
 the little girls knew no different and found it strange when friends dads would not
 take there eyes of the telly when you entered the room, as in their house there was
always a song for the name of the person they brought in to play, such as oh Susannah, Beautiful Amy, Mary from the dairy and so on. Later in life when one of the girls was asked
 if she had heard of the film Mack and Mable she simply replied know them I live with them.